african school for global citizenship


Join Dr.Zoo on a life changing journey


Join Dr. Randal Arsenault, a.k.a Dr. Zoo, on a life changing journey….

Dr. Arsenault is originally from Newfoundland and lives inPEI, Canada, and is Assistant Professor with the UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation. He holds a Ph.D in Zoology from the Centre for African Ecology, South Africa and a Masters in Natural Resources Management from the University of Manitoba.  Dr. Arsenault has been bringing students to Africa for over 10 years, as Director of Southern African Field School with the University of Alberta (2014-2019), and Director of Southern African Field Studies (2007-2012).

Experience has shown that intercultural development and working with local people, is the most impactful on students in changing their lives, their outlook and future success. AFRICAN SCHOOL FOR GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP was developed with a focus on intercultural learning and community development to benefit local people, as well as training global citizens to inspire a better world.

EMAIL: ranarsenault@upei.ca